Weasley Jumpers!

When I gave birth to twins, I gave them names beginning with H and R for no other reason than the following-

Image from Google search

Image from Google search

Hmm… Well, the above statement may not be wholly true. But it did work out rather nicely didn’t it?!

I’ve had the Weasley Jumper idea swimming around in the back of my head for a while, and as you can imagine, the moment I realised the brilliance of having twins whose names so conveniently begin with H and R, I knew these jumpers had to take the leap from the back of my mind and into reality PRONTO!

It took a while for me to mull over exactly how I’d go about making them. I’d not made much in the way of wearable clothes before, being more of a blankets and amigurumi gal, so I toyed with a few options (including, of all things, trying to KNIT the bloomin’ jumpers!).

In the end, I decided that the way to go was to find a basic jumper pattern in the style that I wanted, and to draw up my own grid pattern for the letters on the front. So I visited the crochet pattern library. Oh, you’ve not heard of the ‘crochet pattern library’ before? It’s at my friend Helen’s house… ok, well, its her bookshelf actually. She has SOOOOOOO many crochet books!

The pattern I found was the perfect shape jumper for what I wanted to do. The colour was totally wrong; in the book it was bright coloured stripes. It’s kind of ironic actually, knowing how I feel about colour and how in my mind brighter is always better, that I was taking a bright multicoloured pattern and toning it down for once!

So, I took the pattern and drew out the shape on a grid, and then planned the letters.


And then…. I went for it!

You know, its very pleasing and fulfilling making clothes for kids. Why?! Cus they make up so quickly! Haha! That sounds flippant I realise, but it IS nice to see the progress happening so easily!


From start to finish, the jumpers only took about a week to make. Thats not a week each, that’s one week for BOTH! Instant gratification much?!

I did keep fretting about the jumpers actually fitting though. Of course, I referred to the sizing guide in the pattern, and I made sure to measure the boys…. actually I measured them several times. Heck, you don’t want to go to the trouble of making really awesome jumpers for them to not fit! Any time a little man ran past me I’d grab him and not let him go until I had held various panels, as I’d made them, up against him! It rather reminded me of my Grandma measuring cardigan panels and sleeves up against me 🙂 .

Sewing the panels together was a bit of a chore. I’m really not great at sewing. But they came together, cuffs and edges were added, and soon enough there were two RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME (if I say so myself) new jumpers on the block!

Ok, seriously, if you are a Harry Potter fan you may actually wee a little bit when you see them, so brace yourself!


Pretty good huh?!

I did a lot of chasing round after the little dudes, trying to get a good picture of them looking Weasley-esque and jolly. I don’t know, they must have been so joyous at having Weasley jumpers that they just couldn’t keep still or stay at the same end of the room as each other!



Once they’d worn themselves out I DID manage to get this rather atmospheric catalogue pose, so erase those last two outtakes from your mind, cus here’s the shizzle-


The response to the jumpers has been fab! Alot of people just enjoy cooing over the boys and guessing their names. But then you get those (superior) few who KNOW. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Just last week in the farm shop, a lady of about my age emitted a proper squeal at “THOSE JUMPERS!”

It’s been a great confidence boost to have had such a brilliant result. I have always steered clear of trying to make anything wearable for myself, what with being plus size and a bit self conscious. It’s not that I’ve not seen gazillions of things I’d like to make myself, I just have never felt up for the challenge. But after the Weasley Jumper success, I’ve taken the bull by the horns…


On the hook right now! I’m making myself the top from the cover of this months Simply Crochet Magazine. So I guess you can expect another blog post about that aswell soon! 😉

Much love all. x

This post is my submission to the Deramores Craft Blog Competition 2015. Deramores is the UK’s number one online retailer of knitting and crochet supplies. Visit http://www.deramores.com for more details.

2 thoughts on “Weasley Jumpers!

  1. I’ve been scouring the internet for a crochet pattern just like this, but everything I find is for knitting – this sounds like such a simple solution and I can’t wait to get some graph paper to try it out!

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